I have always been partial to seasons of change.

Cayla Berejikian
P.S. I Love You
Published in
Nov 15, 2020


Photo by Tomáš Malík from Pexels

As I tilt my head to see
Branches jostled by wind
Leaves drained of color
Erupting, each into
Its respective dance
A familiar chill
Kisses the tips of my limbs
Touching with lovely contrast
The warmth in my stomach and chest

An enchanting reminder
That I am never safe
Every love of mine
Will pale and shrink with time
Begin lush and green and close
Clinging to branches, but
Here come the winds, and
We darken and wither and fall

Yet I smile because
There is something so
About a passing leaf
Dancing on the winds of change
My blood cools with a
Deep, eternal peace
As I think to myself
“In loss
We will always be freed.”

